
Staff and artists from the Arts for Healing and Justice Network (AHJN) and member organizations. Image by Sylvanus Leone. Courtesy of AHJN.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the School District Arts Coordinator convening on November 5! If you weren't able to attend, please find the agenda and resources that were discussed here on our website. We hope to see you at the next convening on January 28, 2022, 2:00PM-4:00PM. Registration information is on the resources page. Resources and Opportunities
The Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture (Arts and Culture) has announced that grants totaling $867,700 will be awarded to 41 Los Angeles County school districts. The Advancement Grant Program is administered through the LA County Arts Education Collective, the countywide initiative dedicated to making the arts a core part of every child’s growth and development. Advancement Grants, underwritten by the Arts Ed Collective Funders Council, offer flexible funding to school districts to advance arts education in LA County.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the School District Arts Coordinator convening on September 17! If you weren't able to attend, please find the resources that were discussed here on our website. We hope to see you next time. Resources and Opportunities
To learn more about the emerging field of Healing Centered Engagement, especially as it relates to arts based youth development, please download our zine Healing-Centered Engagement—Reflections and Insights from the Field.
Image from ARTBOUND "Arts Education" (courtesy of KCET).
The Los Angeles County Arts Education Collective, coordinated by the Department of Arts and Culture and KCET have joined forces to create a new documentary that explores the value of arts education for the youth, communities, and creative economy of LA County.
Regional Blueprint for Arts Education
The New Regional Blueprint for Arts Education contains strategies for increasing arts education in school, after school, and in communities, including juvenile justice, foster youth, and workforce development systems.
UniverSOUL Hip HOp
The Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture has announced that grants totaling $811,600 will be awarded to 40 Los Angeles County school districts.
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has long advocated for the importance of the arts in public education. In 2002, the Supervisors unanimously adopted the Los Angeles County Regional Blueprint for Arts Education which established the LA County Arts Ed Collective as a part of the Los Angeles County Arts Commission. The Arts Ed Collective was directed to work with the Office of Education to ensure that LA County’s 1.5 million public school students receive high-quality arts education. Sixteen years later, in a motion co-authored by Supervisors Hilda L.
The Los Angeles County Arts Commission releases findings from a 18-month survey of arts education in K-12 public schools.