Resources for Prop 28 Implementation

In November 2022, California voters overwhelmingly supported increased arts education funding with the passage of Proposition 28, also known as the Arts and Music K-12 Education Funding Initiative. Here is a round-up of resources that can support planning and implementation of expanded arts education in our schools.


Arts Education Funding for School Districts - Jan 23, 2023 
School district arts coordinators and community arts providers gathered to hear the latest information regarding Prop 28 and the Instructional Materials Block Grant. Jeannine Flores, Arts & STEAM Coordinator, LACOE and Chair, Create CA, shared funding updates and co-facilitate peer group break out discussions.


Create CA

Create CA advocates for high quality arts education for all students by providing policy expertise and by mobilizing a statewide network of advocates and allied partners.


LA County Office of Education
Resources for school districts to support planning and implementation of arts education.  How the California Department of Education will oversee the implementation of these funds are still emerging.  Check back for new resources!