The Arts Ed Innovation Lab Travels to Berlin

"We are living in an era of great disruption and enormous potential." —opening comments, Presencing Foundations Program, Berlin, Germany

Building on work of the Arts Education Innovation Lab, eight arts education leaders from California traveled to Berlin in July to attend the Presencing Foundations Program. Participants represented over 20 nations and were committed to systemic change across multiple sectors including universal healthcare, banking and sustainable agriculture. Over the course of the 4-day intensive, participants were introduced to the concepts and practices of Theory U, a “social technology for helping bring about profound innovation and change.”

In the year ahead, ten arts education leaders from across the state who have trained in Theory U will partner with emerging arts education leaders in a professional learning community to advance systems change in arts education in California.









Pictured (L-R, Top)

  1. Nancy Ng, Luna Dance Institute
  2. Kate Stover, Tulare County Office of Education
  3. Kimberleigh Aarn, Arts Education Consultant
  4. Gillian McCarthy, LA County Arts Commission
  5. Victoria Lanier, Education Through Music—LA

(L-R, Bottom)

  1. Stacy Young, Humboldt County Office of Education
  2. Denise Grande, LA County Arts Commission
  3. Pat Wayne, Create CA

Other leaders in the professional learning community with previous Theory U Training

  1. Jean Johnstone, Teaching Artists Guild & Alameda County Office of Education
  2. Merryl Goldberg, CSU San Marcos

Learn more about Theory U Process and Practice

Over the past 18 months, the Innovation Lab’s strategic visioning has been guided by Theory U. Those interested in deepening their understanding of Theory U processes and practice can participate in U.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future, a free on-line course this fall. The session begins September 13, 2018.